Put apple scraps in a large stockpot. Add water to cover (scraps will float). Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium and let simmer for approximately one hour, or until cores and chunks are falling apart.
Line a colander with cheesecloth and strain scraps into a large container. Let rest at minimum two hours. In the meantime, clean your stockpot and catch up on the laundry.
Pour juice into stockpot. Break cinnamon sticks in half and add to pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce to medium and let simmer. Once the liquid has reduced by one-third, remove cinnamon sticks. Add brown sugar, 1/4 cup at a time, tasting as you go to achieve desired sweetness. Continue to reduce until a cooled portion of liquid is sticky and syrupy. Note that the syrup will probably not be as thick as maple syrup, though it will thicken some upon cooling. (You can add more sugar and cook for longer for a thicker product.)
Cool slightly and pour into jars or bottles. Let cool completely and store in the fridge.